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Faculty Publications

Translation of The Carolingians A Family Who Forged Europe Pierre Riché
University of Pennsylvania Press, 1993

Thomas Habinek, Giulia Sissa
A Cultural History of Ideas, Vol. 1 - Classical Antiquity
Bloomsbury, 2023

Marco Formisano
The New Late Antiquity: A Gallery of Intellectual Portraits
Universitaetsverlag Winter, 2021

Seth Richardson
Ancient States and Infrastructural Power. Europe, Asia and America
University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017

Paul du Plessis and Kaius Tuori
The Oxford Handbook of Roman Law and Society
Oxford University Press, 2016

Citizenship and Empire in Europe, 200-1900. The Antonine Constitution after 1800 Years
Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2016

Roman Social Imaginaries. Language and thought in contexts of empire
University of Toronto Press, 2015

Imperial Rome AD 193 to 284: The Critical Century (The Edinburgh History of Ancient Rome)
Edinburgh University Press, 2012

Kirk Freudenburg, Cedric Littlewood
The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Nero
Cambridge University Press, 2017

The Mirror of the Self: Sexuality, Self-Knowledge, and the Gaze in the Early Roman Empire
University of Chicago Press, 2006

Actors in the Audience: Theatricality and Doublespeak from Nero to Hadrian
Harvard University Press, 1994

Decoding the Ancient Novel: The Reader and the Role of Description in Heliodorus and Achilles Tatius
Princeton University Press, 1989

The Making of the Ancient Greek Economy: Institutions, Markets, and Growth in the City-States
Princeton University Press, 2016

Jean-Louis Ferrary, Askold Ivantchik
Une koinè pontique : Cités grecques, sociétés indigènes et empires mondiaux sur le littoral nord de la mer Noire (VIIe s. a.C.-IIIe s. p.C.)
Ausonius, 2007

Marie-Paule Masson-Vincourt, Stavros Perentidis and Jérôme Wilgaux
Parenté et société dans le monde grec de l’Antiquité à l’âge moderne
Ausonius, 2006

Recueil des inscriptions de la Pérée rhodienne
Annales Littéraires de l’Université de Besançon, 1991

Mythe et contradiction. Analyse de la VIIe Olympique de Pindare
Annales Littéraires de l’Université de Besançon, 1979

Word Order in Ancient Greek: A Pragmatic Account of Word Order Variation in Herodotus
Amsterdam Studies in Classical Philology, 1995

Vanishing Acts: Deletio Morbi as Speech Act and Visual Design on Ancient Greek Amulets

Dirk Obbink
The Getty Hexameters: Poetry, Magic and Mystery in Ancient Greek Selinous
Oxford University Press, 2013

Fred Naiden
Ancient Victims, Modern Observers: Reflections on Greek and Roman Animal Sacrifice
Cambridge University Press, 2012

David Dodd
Initiation in Ancient Greek Rituals and Narratives: New Critical Perspectives
Routledge, 2003

Talismans and Trojan Horses: Guardian Statues in Ancient Greek Myth and Ritual
Oxford University Press, 1992

Reclaiming the Past: Argos and its Archaeological Heritage in the Modern Era
Cornell University Press, 2021

Artifact and Artifice: Classical Archaeology and the Ancient Historian
University of Chicago Press, 2014

Streams of Gold, Rivers of Blood: The Rise and Fall of Byzantium, 955 A.D. to the First Crusade
Oxford University Press, 2017

A Cabinet of Byzantine Curiosities: Strange Tales and Surprising Facts from History's Most Orthodox Empire
Oxford University Press, 2017

Niketas Siniossoglou
The Cambridge Intellectual History of Byzantium
Cambridge University Press, 2017

Ethnography after Antiquity: Foreign Lands and People in Byzantine Literature
University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013

The Christian Parthenon: Classicism and Pilgrimage in Byzantine Athens
Cambridge University Press, 2009

Hellenism in Byzantium: The Transformations of Greek Identity and the Reception of the Classical Tradition
Cambridge University Press, 2007

Procopius of Caesarea: Tyranny, History, and Philosophy at the End of Antiquity
University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004

The rural landscapes of archaic Cyprus: an archaeology of environmental and social change
Cambridge University Press, 2022

Brian R. Doak
Oxford Handbook of the Phoenician and Punic Mediterranean
Oxford University Press, 2019

Gods, Heroes, and Monsters: A Sourcebook of Greek, Roman, and the Near Eastern Myths in Translation
Oxford University Press, 2014

Michael Dietler
Colonial Encounters in Ancient Iberia: Phoenician, Greek, and Indigenous Relations
University of Chicago Press, 2009

Sofía Torallas Tovar
Memoria de los seminarios de filología e historia
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2002

Barbara Vinken
Civil War and the Collapse of the Social Bond: The Roman Tradition at the Heart of the Modern
Cambridge University Press, 2022

Susan Lüdemann
Exemplarity and Singularity: Thinking Through Particulars in Philosophy, Literature, and Law

Mario Telò
Radical Formalisms: Reading, Theory, and the Boundaries of the Classical
Bloomsbury Press, 2024

The Animal Part: Human and Other Animals in the Poetic Imagination
University of Chicago Press, 2010

Proceedings of the 28th Congress of Papyrology (Barcelona, 1-6 August 2016)
Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 2019

Pharaoh’s Reeds: A Papyrus Journey Up the Nile / Las Flores del Faraón: Viaje por el Nilo a través de sus papiros
European Institute of the Mediterranean, 2016

La Mano del Escriba: recorrido por los tesoros manuscritos de la Abadía de Montserrat
Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 2015

Klaas A. Worp
Greek Papyri from Montserrat. P.Monts.Roca IV
Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 2014

Juan Gil Fernández
Hadrianvs. P. Monts. Roca III
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2010

Klaas A. Worp
To the Origins of Greek Stenography. P.Monts.Roca I
Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 2006

Identidad lingüística e Identidad religiosa en el Egipto Grecorromano
Reial Academia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona, 2005

Arthur Adkins
University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: The Greek Polis
University of Chicago Press, 1986

Walter Emil Kaegi Jr.
Readings in Western Civilization, vol. 2: Rome: Late Republic and Principate
University of Chicago Press, 1986