The Classics Department regards mentoring and advising as a foremost aspect of professional training. Its practices in these regards are guided by the Department's Mentoring Plan, which can be read in full here. A basic outline of its structure proceeds as follows, according to a student’s progress through the program:
Years 1 and 2
- Each graduate student will be assigned a member of the faculty of the Classics department as mentor, who will follow the student’s progress and assist him or her in making decisions about classes, topics for research, and so on. Typically, the student will meet at least once a quarter with mentors.
- The Director of Graduate Studies will meet individually each quarter with the students in coursework to follow their progress and make sure they are fulfilling the requirements of the program.
Years 3 and 4
- Students will meet with their special field advisor and mentor at least once every quarter, in order to discuss their progress and plan for transition to dissertation work.
- Students will meet annually with the Director of Graduate Studies and the Chair of the Department in the Spring quarter.
Years 5 and 6
- Students in candidacy will meet with their dissertation advisors at least once every quarter and annually with their full dissertation committee, in order to discuss their progress, get feedback on submitted work, and produce a report on their trajectory.
- Students will meet annually with the Director of Graduate Studies and the Chair of the Department in the Spring quarter.