LATN 24022/34022 Seneca and European Drama.

(CMLT 2/34022, FNDL 22316)

Readings include tragedies of Seneca the Younger along with their classical Greek precedents and their early modern English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish successors. Students taking this course as a Latin course will read at least one tragedy of Seneca in the original. Students taking it as a Comparative Literature course will read at least one non-English tragedy in the original language. Students taking it as as a Classical Civilization or Fundamentals course may read all the plays in English translation.

2022-23 Autumn

LATN 21300/31300 Vergil.

(FNDL 22315)

Latin reading will focus on Book 8 of the Aeneid together with selected passages from other books (especially 1, 6, 10, and 12). The remainder of the epic will be read in translation. Topics will include the representation of Augustus, civil war, vengeance and clemency, and whether the poem envisages Rome's refoundation under the new leader as leading to a more secure future. 

2022-23 Spring

LATN 21100/31100 Roman Elegy.

This course examines the development of the Latin elegy from Catullus to Ovid. Our major themes are the use of motifs and topoi and their relationship to the problem of poetic persona.

J. Sachio.
2022-23 Winter

LATN 20300 Intermediate Latin III.

This course is a reading of selections from a major monument of Roman literature, such as Vergil’s Aeneid. There will be discussion of the relationship between language and literary art, and the legacy of the work or works studied.

Prerequisite(s): Prerequisites LATN 20200 or equivalent.

2022-23 Spring

LATN 20200 Intermediate Latin II.

This course is a reading of selections from Roman poetry, especially the works of Ovid. The class involves discussion of poetic language, versification, and the literary and historical context of Roman poetry.  

Prerequisite(s): LATN 11400, LATN 20100, or equivalent.

2022-23 Winter

LATN 20100 Intermediate Latin I.

Readings concentrate on works of Roman prose, especially Cicero. The aim is to improve reading skills, discuss key concepts in Roman history and culture, and study problems of grammar as necessary. 

2022-23 Autumn

LATN 11400 Latin for Post Beginners.

This course is intended for students with some experience in Latin to quickly review what they know and upgrade their skills in reading and understanding Latin. In this course, students will expand their vocabulary, learn more advanced grammar, and practice extensive reading. "Students who complete this course and its follow-up LATN 103​ will be ready for the intermediate sequence (LATN 20100-20200-20300)."

2022-23 Winter

LATN 10300 Introduction to Classical Latin III.

This course continues the study of basic Latin. Course work involves reading Latin, translating from Latin into English and vice versa, and study of grammar and vocabulary. Throughout the course, students will encounter authentic Latin text. Students who complete this course will be able to track ideas across at least a paragraph of text, and will be ready to move into the intermediate sequence (LATN 20100-20200-20300).

2022-23 Spring

LATN 10200 Introduction to Classical Latin II.

This course continues the study of basic Latin. Course work involves reading Latin, translating from Latin into English and vice versa, and study of grammar and vocabulary. Throughout the course, students will encounter authentic Latin text. Students who complete this course will be able to understand complex sentences, and often to combine them into larger units of meaning.

2022-23 Winter

LATN 10100 Introduction to Classical Latin I.

This course introduces the fundamentals of the Latin language, and the Ancient Roman culture in which it developed. The focus is on developing interpretive reading ability, but other language skills are also employed to enhance the learning of vocabulary, culture, and grammar. This course is intended for students with no previous experience in Latin.

2022-23 Autumn
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