Christina Filippaki is a Teaching Fellow in the Humanities, Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in the Humanities at the University of Chicago with appointments in both the Department of Classics and the College. She received her PhD in Classics from the University of Chicago in August 2024. Previously, she completed her BA in Classical Philology at the University of Athens. She specializes in Greek tragedy, focusing on questions of genre, fictionality, intertextuality, and metapoetics. Her broader interests include drama, Greek poetry, performance, myth and modern Greek reception. Her current book project uses theory of fiction to show that Euripides’s Atreidai plays as a multiverse narrative: a set of alternate, complementary, or contradicting timelines that are to be understood in the context of each other. By framing the plays as connected but mutually incompatible realities, it argues that the tragic is the result of a complex cognitive process that involves a continuously expanding intellectual relationship between the poet and his audience.
Christina Filippaki
Teaching Fellow
Research Interests:
Greek Tragedy; Ancient Religion and Mythology; Homer
B.A. University of Athens 2017, Classics