PhD Program in the Ancient Mediterranean World

Our PhD Program in the Ancient Mediterranean World (PAMW) is designed to allow students to custom build an interdisciplinary course of study that satisfies their own intellectual interests while remaining true to the rigorous and thorough training that is expected of University of Chicago graduates.

PAMW students, by the time they advance to candidacy, will have demonstrated competency in two ancient and two modern languages, passed Field Examinations in specialized research skills, and explored both the literature, philosophy, history, art, archaeology, and religion of the ancient world and methodological and theoretical approaches to them derived from other disciplines.

The centrepiece of the first two years of the program is the two-quarter PAMW seminar, co-taught by two PAMW faculty members. This seminar introduces students to issues of historical method in relation to a topic which changes annually.

PCLL students will regularly participate in the Ancient Societies Workshop and other workshops.

A typical PAMW student might progress through the program in the following manner:

Year 1
  • Take nine courses, including:
    • The PAMW seminar
    • The survey in Greek or Latin, if offered for exam
    • Courses in two of the disciplinary fields: literature; philosophy and religion; art and archaeology; social sciences
  • Pass translation exam in first ancient language
  • Demonstrate competency in first modern language
Year 2
  • Take nine courses, including:
    • The survey in the remaining ancient language, if offered for exam
    • Courses in the remaining two disciplinary fields
  • Submit two proposed topics for the Field Examinations
Year 3
  • Begin to fulfil fellowship teaching requirements
  • Pass Field Examinations in two of the culture areas: Greek; Roman; Near Eastern; Egyptian
  • Pass translation exam in second ancient language
  • Demonstrate competency in second modern language
  • Assemble dissertation committee and submit dissertation proposal
  • Research, write, and defend dissertation

Applicants and current students should carefully review the full PAMW degree requirements.

The reading list for the translation exams is available here:

  • Program in the Ancient Mediterranean World Translation Exam Reading List [here link to PDF “PAMW Translation Exam Reading List”]

The reading lists for the Field Examinations will be agreed with the faculty examiner.