
GREK 24923/34923 The Birth of the Gods: A Close Reading of Hesiod's Theogony

In this course we will read in Greek the Theogony by Hesiod, one of the earliest preserved literary pieces in ancient Greek and a text that became a point of reference for cosmogonic literature and thought in later centuries. We will conduct a close reading, commenting on both poetic/literary aspects and mythical tropes, and will read (in English) comparative materials from other Greek and Near Eastern cosmogonies, as well as some interpretive essays. Exams will be based on translation work as well as engagement in discussions.

2023-24 Winter

LATN 26023/36023 Dear Student: Read the epistles of Cicero, Ovid, Seneca, and others

Through our reading of Cicero, Ovid, and Seneca, in this class we explore the lost art of letter writing. The genre of the epistle gives us a glimpse into daily life at Rome by capturing actual correspondence between elite Romans, such as we see in Cicero’s letters; allows for playful and philosophical revisitations of myth, even revealing gendered voice, as with Ovid’s letters between Penelope and Odysseus, or Dido and Aeneas; and is a crafted structure within which Seneca communicates the lessons of Stoicism to his fictive interlocutor. We will read these authors’ letters in Latin and compare their style and content. As time allows, the letters of Pliny the Younger and the Emperor Julian round out the historical scope from Roman Republic to Empire. Latin proficiency and student interest will contribute to the shape and pace of our readings and discussions.Assessment is in the form of weekly quizzes on content and grammar and three translation exams.

2023-24 Spring

GREK 26123/36123 Antigone and the Making of Theater

This class on Sophocles’ Antigone will be held in lockstep with the upcoming production of the play at the Court Theatre, which will allow us to think about the construction of the play and its performance, both in its original setting and each time it is adapted and staged. We will attend rehearsals and talk to the director, crew and performers of the play as the play takes shape. We will also attend the production. Readings will include Antigone by Sophocles, as well as adaptions and theory on the play. 

Greek is not required for the class, but those who have it will be asked to read some passages in the original language. 

2023-24 Winter

CLAS 36123 Antigone and the Making of Theater

(CLAS 36123, CLCV 26123, GREK 26123/36123, TAPS 24750/34750)

This class on Sophocles’ Antigone will be held in lockstep with the upcoming production of the play at the Court Theatre, which will allow us to think about the construction of the play and its performance, both in its original setting and each time it is adapted and staged. We will attend rehearsals and talk to the director, crew and performers of the play as the play takes shape. We will also attend the production. Readings will include Antigone by Sophocles, as well as adaptions and theory on the play. 

Greek is not required for the class, but those who have it will be asked to read some passages in the original language.

2023-24 Winter

CLAS 31700 Archaeology for Ancient Historians

(CLCV 21700, HIST 20901, HIST 39800)

This course is intended to act not as an introduction to Classical archæology but as a methods course illuminating the potential contribution of material cultural evidence to ancient historians while at the same time alerting them to the possible misapplications. Theoretical reflections on the relationship between history and archaeology will be interspersed with specific case studies from the Græco-Roman world.

2023-24 Winter

CLCV 21700 . Archaeology for Ancient Historians

(HIST 20901, HIST 39800, CLAS 31700)

This course is intended to act not as an introduction to Classical archæology but as a methods course illuminating the potential contribution of material cultural evidence to ancient historians while at the same time alerting them to the possible misapplications. Theoretical reflections on the relationship between history and archaeology will be interspersed with specific case studies from the Græco-Roman world. 

2023-24 Winter

CLAS 42324 Readings of Homer: Ancient, Medieval, and Now

This seminar approaches Homeric studies as a sub-discipline in Classics that has created a breadth of methodologies and hermeneutical approaches, both new and old, that are central to the evolution of Classical Studies and literary theory more generally. The seminar deals with different readings of Homer—scholarly and otherwise—from the ancient scholia to the present day. On the modern side, we will engage with the history of Homeric scholarship (oral theory, narratology, neoanalysis) as well as new directions in modern scholarship (affect studies, cognitive theory). On the premodern side, the seminar will focus on interpretations that applied rhetorical theory, Neoplatonic philosophy, and ancient scholarship, to ensure Homer’s enduring canonical status among Platonists and Christians. The seminar will include substantial reading of original texts, and will result in an extended research paper, to be completed in the Winter term. 

CLAS 42323 Readings of Homer: Ancient, Medieval, and Now

This seminar approaches Homeric studies as a sub-discipline in Classics that has created a breadth of methodologies and hermeneutical approaches, both new and old, that are central to the evolution of Classical Studies and literary theory more generally. The seminar deals with different readings of Homer—scholarly and otherwise—from the ancient scholia to the present day. On the modern side, we will engage with the history of Homeric scholarship (oral theory, narratology, neoanalysis) as well as new directions in modern scholarship (affect studies, cognitive theory). On the premodern side, the seminar will focus on interpretations that applied rhetorical theory, Neoplatonic philosophy, and ancient scholarship, to ensure Homer’s enduring canonical status among Platonists and Christians. The seminar will include substantial reading of original texts, and will result in an extended research paper, to be completed in the Winter term. 

CLAS 37320 Greek Archaeology in 20 Objects

(CLCV 27320)

This course centers the objects of the ancient Greek world, from prehistory to the Hellenistic period, as avenues for exploring the practice, history, and motivations of the discipline of Greek archaeology. From the mundane to the spectacular, we will closely consider twenty things – pots, statues, coins, knives, bones, inscriptions, among others – whose compelling if fragmentary biographies and itineraries reveal how archaeologists reconstruct and explain ancient social lives. Discussions will interrogate histories of object analysis, identification, and interpretation; schemes of periodization and categorization; theories of gender, class, economy, politics, and religion; developments in technologies and aesthetics; the intersections of artifact discovery and museum or market acquisitions; and the making of Greek archaeology within the wider discipline.

2023-24 Autumn

CLAS 34918 Early Travel Writing: Pausanias in Roman Greece

(CLCV 24918)

Through close readings of Pausanias, who wrote a Description of Greece during the Roman imperial period, this course explores ancient forms of travel writing and associated interests in the places, peoples, myths, ruins, and material objects of the Mediterranean world. Moving from the apparent ethnographic lens of earlier Greek literature to Roman imperialist expeditions, readings and discussions will examine the sociopolitical contexts out of which Pausanias emerged as a literary author, and his legacies on and relationship to the wide array of genres of modern travel writing, from Lewis and Clark to John Steinbeck. Key topics will include: movement through space, tourism, nature, landscape, town and country, sites and spectacles, myth, ritual, and acts of remembering and forgetting.  

2023-24 Spring
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