Ph.D. Program in Transformations in the Classical Tradition

The Program

The PhD program in Transformations of the Classical Tradition enables students to approach the long history of classical thought and literature by following a course of study tailored to their particular interests.

The first two years of study towards the Ph.D. are spent on coursework. In consultation with the Director of Graduate Studies and the TCLT program Chair, students will devise a program of courses that focus on, but are not limited to, key texts in literature, philosophy, historiography, and political theory in either Greek or Latin, and the reception, development, and transformation of these texts in one of the modern languages. During their first two years, students must also satisfy the requirements for their second ancient and modern language.

Students entering the program are introduced to the methodological opportunities of studying the long history of the classical tradition in a two quarter introductory seminar, co-taught by two TCLT faculty members, one of whom will be a member of the Classics faculty, and the other from one of our partner disciplines: Art History, the Committee on Social Thought, Comparative Literature, Germanic Studies, History, Philosophy, Political Science, Romance Languages & Literatures, and the Divinity School. In the third year, students progress to an oral examination in their chosen field of study, followed by the dissertation proposal workshop, and the submission of the dissertation proposal. The fourth and fifth years are devoted to dissertation writing and the curriculum is designed so that all requirements can be fulfilled within six years.

TCLT students will also regularly participate in departmental workshops that suit their interests. 

A typical TCLT student might progress through their degree program in this way:

Year 1
  • Take nine courses, including:
    • Survey of Greek or Latin literature
    • 2-quarter introductory seminar
    • Classical Reception (French or German)
  • Pass translation exam in language of survey
  • Submit two seminar research papers to the Department
  • Demonstrate competence in French or German
Year 2
  • Take nine courses, including:
    • Survey of remaining classical language
    • Classical Reception (remaining modern language)
  • Pass translation exam in language of survey
  • Demonstrate competence in remaining modern language
  • Submit two seminar research papers to the Department
Year 3
  • Begin to fulfill fellowship teaching requirements
  • Pass the Comprehensive Oral Exam
  • Demonstrate competence in remaining modern language
  • Assemble dissertation committee and submit dissertation proposal


(Years 4+)

  • Research, write, and defend dissertation


Applicants should review the full list of degree requirements, available here

The reading list for the TCLT Translation Exam is available here

The reading list for the TCLT Comprehensive Oral Exam will be created in consultation between the student and the Program Chair.